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“Chennai Law Forum: Your Global Legal Partner for Accessible, Honest, and Plain-Spoken Legal Services”

Chennai Law Forum offers legal services to people and businesses all over the world. They favour offering a service that is personable and accessible. To achieve this, Senior Attorneys must be open and honest with their Clients. Additionally, it means that they don’t use any legal language in our advice and instead strive to make it plain, applicable, and simple. They are aware of the necessity to make our service available to customers in a manner and at a time that suits them. In Chennai, Tamil Nadu, they have two offices. Bharathi Salai, MogappairWest, Chennai: First floor located at New No. 13, Block 8, and other office in No. 323, Tambu Chetty Street, Room No. 14, II Floor, ANDHRA INSURANCE BUILDING is the address for Madras High Court Chambers.